Saturday, December 6, 2008

Won't you be my neighbor?

Blogging .. Vlogging ..Twitter .. Facebook .. UStream .. YouTube .. Social Media

It's all been around for awhile now, although it's brand new to me. Two weeks ago I dusted myself off and set out to learn as much as I could about what I have been missing. Overwhelmed at the thought, I had little idea where to begin.

Jackie at AgingBackwards turned me on to Twitter. For the first couple of days I was clueless, the tail was wagging the dog. The more I observed, the more I read, the more I realized how far out of the loop I had been and what I had been missing. I dipped a toe in and I typed in my first Tweet, or is it a Twit?

From that moment forward, Twitter has become my University of Social Networking and I am working towards my MBT (mastering the basics of Twitter). I have been learning from the "best of the best" reading all that they write, their Twits, their blogs. I have been inspired and motivated by the likes of Chris Brogan, Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, Sir Richard Branson, Danny Brown, Peter Shankman and the list goes on .....

In went the other toe. I have now advanced to blogging. Aligned Deb, who I met through Twitter designed the banner at the top of my blog. And New Old Mom who I met during a live chat on how to make money blogging (who knew?) told me that she will teach me what she knows. That's the beauty of Twitter. Perfect strangers helping each other. As technologically forward as it is for novices like me, the concept takes me back to my childhood, when neighbors were truly friendly and helping each other was a pleasure not an imposition. It's the covered dish dinner, well without the covered dish.

Welcome to the neighborhood!


Danny Brown said...

Welcome to the neighbourhood, Sandi, god to have you here. :)

Thank you for your kind inclusion on your list - not quite sure if I should be in amongst THAT calibre of people but I won't complain! ;-)

You're right, there are some great minds in social media and the best of it is that they genuinely want to help. How can that ever be wrong? :)

AgingBackwards said...

As I always say, "Collaboration is the new Competition!" So glad you're enjoying Twitter - it's everything I said about it and more, right?? Luv u!

Anonymous said...

It does seem to be a bit overwhelming at times...doesn't it? I'm fairly new to twitter myself, and am enjoying the company and expert advise of many of the people on it. Here's to hoping we all learn from and teach each other.